Welcome to the Massachusetts Juror Service Website

Thank you for visiting the Massachusetts Juror Service Website.  Jury duty is a privilege and a responsibility shared by all eligible citizens in our participatory democracy.  There are no exemptions from jury duty: doctors, police officers, students, and even judges are eligible to serve as jurors.

This website will help you respond to your summons for juror service, and will also allow you to make changes or request assistance.  It will help you determine if you are qualified to serve as a juror. You can:
  • Confirm your service
  • Request a disqualification
  • Postpone your service
  • Request a hardship transfer
  • Update your contact information
  • Find courthouse information
  • Complete and print your Confidential Juror Questionnaire

If you do not wish to use this website, you should complete your Juror Confirmation Form and mail it to the following address:

Office of Jury Commissioner
560 Harrison Avenue, Suite 600
Boston, MA 02118-2447

Jurors with accessibility concerns may call 1-800-THE-JURY (843-5879) or send an email to JurorHelp@jud.state.ma.us so that necessary accommodations can be made.
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  © 2006- Commonwealth of Massachusetts